High-Octane MOMENTUM Short Film by Peggy Chung, Robert Simons and Mark Yang
Check out Momentumconcept art and storyboards! Last week I had an interview with Ender'sGame concept artist Robert Simons and he talked about his upcoming project Momentum. Now I'm giving you a sneak...
View ArticleExclusive: Stunning THOR: THE DARK WORLD Concept Art by Nathan Schroeder
Thor: The Dark World(2013) concept art by Nathan SchroederCheck out exclusive Thor: The Dark Worldconcept art by Nathan SchroederAlan Taylor's Thor: The Dark Worldopened in the U.S. today but it's...
View ArticleAction-Packed THOR Storyboards by Tom Nelson!
Thor(2011) storyboards by Tom NelsonCheck out exciting Thorstoryboards by Tom Nelson!Thor: The Dark World is now a global hit. The US box office gross of Thor 2 is over $89 million this weekend. But...
View ArticleSee the Lizard Bus Chase You Never Saw in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Concept Art...
The Amazing Spider-Manconcept art by Josh Nizzi Check out The Amazing Spider-Manconcept art by Josh Nizzi!It's common for scenes in a movie script to get illustrated by concept artists and then dropped...
View ArticleSurprisingly Cool Never-Before-Seen Stretch ARMSTRONG Movie Storyboards by...
Armstrong (2011) by Collin Grant. Check out storyboards for the canceled Armstrong movie by Collin Grant.If you're not familiar with it, "Stretch Armstrong" was a large stretchy action figure...
View ArticleDevastating THOR: THE DARK WORLD Weapon Designs by Tom Whitehouse
Thor: The Dark Worldconcept art by Tom WhitehouseCheck out Thor: The Dark Worldconcept art by Tom Whitehouse! The main villains of Thor: The Dark World are the "Dark Elves." The Dark Elves first...
View ArticleThe Secret of Why Harper Goff Didn't Get an Oscar for 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) - Harper Goff on the "wheelhouse" setCheck out 20,000 Leagues Under the Seaconcept art by Harper Goff and find out why he never got an Oscar for his incredible...
View ArticleMarvelous Unseen IRON MAN Storyboard Animatics by Jim Rothwell
Iron Manstoryboard by Eric RamseyCheck out Iron Manstoryboard animatics by Jim Rothwell from storyboards by Richard K. Buoen, Michael Anthony Jackson, David Lowery and Eric Ramsey!Iron Man (2008) is an...
View ArticleDazzling OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Storyboards by Dave Lowery
Oz: The Great and Powerful(2013) storyboards by Dave LoweryCheck out Oz: The Great and Powerfulstoryboards by Dave Lowery!Sam Raimi directed the Wizard of Oz prequel film based on original concepts,...
View ArticleMonstrous Unused TERMINATOR SALVATION Robot Concept Art by Miles Teves
Terminator Salvationconcept art by Miles TevesCheck out Terminator Salvationconcept art by Miles TevesThe design of the Terminator has changed over the years, but they're all cool. For Terminator...
View ArticleIndustry Insights: What is an Animatic? Interview with Peter Rubin, Martin L....
Iron Man 2"House Fight" by Eric Ramsey (Animatic by Jim Rothwell)What's an animatic? Find out from professional artists Peter Rubin, Martin L. Mercer and Jim Rothwell.This week I've talked a lot about...
View ArticleVintage STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE concept art by Robert McCall
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) concept art by Robert McCallCheck out classic Star Trek: The Motion Pictureconcept art by Robert McCall!Every Friday, I feature artwork from a classic of science...
View ArticleAmazing THOR:THE DARK WORLD Concept Art by Andy Park, Charlie Wen,...
Thor: The Dark Worldconcept art by Charles WenCheck out Thor: The Dark Worldconcept art by Charlie Wen, Constantine Sekeris, Jackson Sze and Andy Park! The art book Marvel's Thor: The Dark World - The...
View ArticleExclusive: Fascinating ENDER'S GAME Concept Art by Cenay Oekman
Ender's Gameconcept art by Cenay OekmanCheck out Ender's Gameconcept art by Cenay Oekman!Ender's Game was released earlier this month and I talked briefly with illstrator Cenay Oekman about working on...
View ArticleAmazing HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE Concept Art by Dawn Brown
Check out The Hunger Games: Catching Fireconcept art by Dawn Brown!After already making $333 million, The Hunger Games sequel is a huge hit. The studio, Lionsgate Films, has already decided to take the...
View ArticleViral Site Reveals New MAN OF STEEL Weapon, Vehicle and Costume Concept Art
Man of Steelconcept art from LearnAboutKrypton.comCheck out Man of Steelconcept art from the viral site LearnAboutKrypton.com!Last week's home video release of the Superman reboot Man of Steel(2013) is...
View ArticleExclusive: Stunning THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE Concept Art by Nathan...
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire(2013) concept art by Nathan Schroeder Check out The Hunger Games: Catching Fireconcept art by Nathan Schroeder!Schroeder has very kindly sent me an exclusive set of...
View ArticleCheck Out Odin's "Tighty-Whities" in Unused THOR Concept Art by Benton Jew
Thorconcept art by Benton JewCheck out Thorconcept art by Benton Jew!While working on a blockbuster film like Thor, many illustrators try different designs to create the final look. One artist who...
View ArticleExclusive: THE WOLVERINE Costume Concept Art by Phillip Boutte Jr.
The Wolverine(2013) costume concept art by Phillip Boutte Jr.Check out The Wolverinecostume concept art by Phillip Boutte Jr.The Wolverine Blu-raywas released yesterday, so it's a prefect time to look...
Read my review of The Amazing Spider-Man DVD!I picked up The Amazing Spider-man DVD* a while back and it's one of the finer home video releases of last year.Read the full review after the jump along...
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