Mobile Suit Gundam is a beloved anime in the giant robot franchise. Three years ago the Japanese animation company Sunrise Inc and Legendary Pictures announced they would collaborate on a live-action movie based on the series. At long last, there's been movement on the project. At "The Netflix Festival Japan 2021" the studio released a single piece of concept art but it's amazing.
Check it out and click to enlarge.
For those not familiar the first Mobile Suit Gundam series was released back in 1979 in Japan and lasted until January 26, 1980, spanning 43 episodes.
The official summary reads "In the year Universal Century 0079, humanity lives in space colonies called Sides. Side 3, the Principality of Zeon, has declared war on the Earth Federation. After the initial fighting, an 8-month stalemate occurred. However, that stalemate breaks when Amuro Ray stumbles into the Gundam, the Earth Federation's secret weapon. Now Amuro and the crew of White Base must stand up to Zeon in order to end the war."
There aren't too many more details besides the amazing image of a giant Gundam robot walking away from a burning city. It's courtesy of Industrial Light and Magic. No release date was announced but we know director Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Kong: Skull Island) is at the helm and the writing will be handled by Brian K. Vaughan who's best known for his Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina comic books.
Legendary has a history of producing giant robot movies like Pacific Rim. It looks like this movie will have a similar style. Netflix will stream the film worldwide on their streaming platform.
Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Cinematography by TBA
Production Design by TBA
"Mobile Suit Gundam" stars TBA
"Mobile Suit Gundam" is scheduled for release TBA (United States)
What do you think of the concept art? If you've seen Mobile Suit Gundam what do you think of the look?
© Copyright Netflix Studios, Sunrise, Legendary Pictures, and unknown. All rights reserved.
Follow @filmsketchr
Click on the links if you want to see more Mobile Suit Gundam artwork on my blog when it's released!
Source: Mantan Web
About Mobile Suit Gundam (TBA)
Official synopsis: "TBA"Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Cinematography by TBA
Production Design by TBA
"Mobile Suit Gundam" stars TBA
"Mobile Suit Gundam" is scheduled for release TBA (United States)
What do you think of the concept art? If you've seen Mobile Suit Gundam what do you think of the look?
© Copyright Netflix Studios, Sunrise, Legendary Pictures, and unknown. All rights reserved.
Follow @filmsketchr